Avraham Cornfeld
Avraham Cornfeld


Avraham Cornfeld Photography


** 本站引用參考文章部分資訊,基於少量部分引用原則,為了避免造成過多外部連結,保留參考來源資訊而不直接連結,也請見諒 **

Avraham Cornfeld

Hi! I'm Avraham Cornfeld, an Israeli type designer and entrepreneur who loves to collaborate with good people in order to create awesome things.

Avraham Cornfeld (@avrahamcornfeld)

Type designer, educator & father of two boys and three cats. Founder of @alefalefalef · Photo by Avraham Cornfeld on July 27, 2021. · קורס עיצוב פונט שנקר.

Avraham Cornfeld (@fffeel) X

Avraham Cornfeld · @fffeel. ·. Apr 17, 2014. I scored 26904 points at 2048, a game where you join numbers to score high! #2048game http://git.io/2048 via.

Avraham Cornfeld - Hebrew Type Designer

Hi! I'm an Israeli font designer, educator and entrepreneur who loves to collaborate with good people in order to create awesome things.

Avraham Cornfeld Photography

The photography portfolio of Avraham Cornfeld - an Israeli photographer notable for his panoramic large-scale images and for various documentry projects.

Contemporary Hebrew typography by Avraham Cornfeld

2021年1月7日 — A studio visit with Israeli typographer Avraham Cornfeld. Kornfeld shares how he feels connected to the Hebrew letters since his childhood ...

